Like traditional marketing, internet marketing tips and tricks may work for one company or industry but not for another. For example, a retailer may find success using pay-per-click advertising, but a law firm may be wasting its money. Therefore, these are a few law firm marketing tips for today’s digital world.
Take Advantage of Directories
Backlinks, which are links to your website from outside sites, are vital for moving your website up in its Google ranking. One quick and easy way to gain backlinks is to list your website in various directories. For example, you may post your information in one of the many law directories, such as, or However, don’t underestimate the importance of listing your firm in local directories as well. For example, your local chamber of commerce should have a site for local businesses, but you can also post your firm on sites like
Work on Your Website
Your company website should be easily adaptable to any platform, including those used in mobile devices. In addition, your FAQ page should be comprehensive. It should discuss commonly asked questions about the legal profession, your expertise and the legal process. Mix in legal jargon and rich keywords to increase your search engine results. However, be sure to explain highly technical or legal terms your prospective clients may not know.
Your website should also include strong calls to action. Make it easy for your customers to leave their contact information on your website. Ask if they would like to be contacted and how, or if they want to contact you. Leave your contact information on the website so it is easy to find.
Provide Valuable Content
Blog. Your clients may have questions about specific legal processes or want to know more about the types of cases you work on. Blogging allows you to discuss your successes, expertise and cases. You can include any new information in the legal field or within your firm. For example, if you hire a new attorney, you should provide a detailed introduction. You should also allow your blog posts to be shared through social media. Don’t forget to let your legal passion leak into your posts. You may even encourage other legal professionals to guest blog on your website or you may guest blog on others’ websites. The richer your content, the better your ranking and customer responses will be.
Be sure to use local or targeted keywords in your blog and SEO posts so prospective clients know your jurisdiction.
You can increase your online traffic and conversion rate by implementing targeted law firm marketing strategies.